Fraud Alert – Beware of scammers impersonating FCNB employees | RiseNB

Fraud Alert – Beware of scammers impersonating FCNB employees

The Financial and Consumer Services Commission (FCNB) is warning the public of scammers impersonating enforcement employees from FCNB.

FCNB has received several reports of persons falsely claiming to work for FCNB. The fraudsters are offering services to recover money purportedly lost on a cryptocurrency trading platform. To convince the person they are legitimate, the fraudsters are offering an employee ID number or agent number. They may also claim to be working with Interpol. 

The fraudsters have contacted their intended victims through various means: by email, by telephone, or through WhatsApp. Regardless of the method of contact, the fraudsters attempt to obtain private and financial information. In one case, the scammers convinced the person to download to his computer an app, which allowed the scammers to take control of his computer.

FCNB is advising the public it will never request remote access to someone’s computer nor will it contact residents through WhatsApp or offer to recover money lost in a scam for a fee. 

FCNB believes these are attempts at a double dip scam (also called a recovery pitch scam). We believe the scammers have information regarding investments these intended victims have with an offshore cryptocurrency platform and were using that information to gain access to their personal information and money.

FCNB is reminding the public to protect themselves against frauds and scams. Scammers are savvy criminals who use a number of tactics to get your financial information or to convince you to send them money. 

FCNB provides the following red flags and tips to help New Brunswickers recognize and reject this type of scam:

  • Red flag: Asking for remote access to your computer!  Tip: Never give someone remote access to your computer or laptop. 
  • Red flag: someone you have never met calling and asking for personal information.  Tip: Never provide personal information, including credit card, your driver’s license or passport information, without first verifying the authenticity of the person or company asking for it. 
  • Red flag: Something not feeling right.  Tip: If you feel something is not right, trust your instincts and stop communication with the person. 

Those who believe they are a victim of or have been approached by this scam should contact FCNB and their local police or RCMP.


Read the full article here