The Financial and Consumer Services Commission (FCNB) recently became aware that Global Solution Group, an online trading platform, may be selling their products and services to New Brunswickers.
The Global Solution Group website – purportedly owned and operated by Ground Solutions Ltd. – claims to be an incorporated company under the laws of the Commonwealth of Dominica in the Caribbean, with a registered address in that country. According to its website (, the company claims to provide investors the ability to invest and trade in foreign exchange, commodities, stocks and cryptocurrency through its trading platform – Global Solution Webtrader.
Individuals or firms in the business of advising or trading in securities or derivatives in New Brunswick must be registered with FCNB. Global Solution Group is not registered with FCNB.
The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan issued an investor alert earlier this year about Global Solution Group and the Financial Conduct Authority of the United Kingdom also warned UK investors of this firm.
FCNB encourages anyone who is considering buying or selling an investment to first do research or talk to their registered investment advisor. Additionally, New Brunswick investors should exercise caution when dealing with online trading platforms that are not registered or recognized in New Brunswick. Please be aware that we have heard of unregistered online trading platforms change names and contact information, such as website or email addresses, slightly and repeatedly to evade detection by those owed money.
Investors are urged to contact FCNB toll-free at 1 866 933-2222 or or through its website if they have any concerns about the legitimacy of an investment opportunity. If you have been a victim of a scam, fraud or cybercrime, please contact your local police force.
How to protect yourself
FCNB provides these cautionary tips for investors:
- Dealing with firms and/or individuals that are registered with FCNB protects investors because FCNB will only register firms and individuals if they are properly qualified and meet a certain standard. Learn about how registration protects investors and use the National Registration Search tool to check if an individual or firm is registered.
- Before investing, be sure you understand how the investment works and what fees and risks are associated with it. Ask these questions to help you become informed.
- Online investments involving trading in cryptocurrencies by unregistered, offshore entities present a significant risk. You could potentially lose your entire investment, and you may have little recourse if there is a problem with your account. There is no guarantee that the crypto-asset trading platform will have enough cash or crypto-assets available when you want to make a withdrawal and may refuse to redeem your investment proceeds.
- If you are uncertain or have questions about an investment opportunity, get a second opinion or seek professional advice.
All investments involve some degree of risk and cryptoassets are high-risk investments. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
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