The Financial and Consumer Services Commission of New Brunswick (FCNB) is excited to announce the launch of a new website dedicated to helping older adults prepare for and protect their retirement.
The new website,, is designed with accessibility in mind and will house information that will be of interest to older adults, their friends, family and caregivers. It may also be of interest to professionals who provide services to older adults, such as those that FCNB registers and licenses including mortgage brokers, real estate agents, insurance registrants and securities registrants.
“FCNB is focused on helping New Brunswickers protect their finances and prevent financial exploitation by providing tools and resources to help inform and educate,” said Erin King, acting director of education and communications at FCNB. “We wanted to improve our current online experience for older adults, caregivers, and industry professionals by making content simple to navigate, relatable, and accessible.”
Some of the resources housed on the new website include tools and information to help:
- adults prepare for retirement,
- caregivers understand their responsibilities if appointed under a power of attorney, and
- financial professionals understand their responsibilities when working with older and vulnerable clients.
The website features nine new videos on topics like choosing a Trusted Contact Person, the importance of estate planning and more. For a more interactive experience, visitors to the site can book a free presentation about frauds and scams targeting older adults and signs of financial abuse and exploitation.
The website launch coincides with Seniors’ Month and supports World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15.
“The older adult audience has been a focus of many of our initiatives over the last several years,” said King. “With an increase in financial exploitation due to social isolation, and new regulatory tools aimed at protecting older and vulnerable investors, we have a lot of new and important information to share with this audience.”
New Brunswickers can explore the new site by visiting, and follow FCNB on Facebook to stay up-to-date on new resources.
Audio files of Erin King, Acting Director of Education and Communications, FCNB
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FCNB has the mandate to protect consumers and enhance public confidence in the financial and consumer marketplace through the provision of regulatory and educational services. It is responsible for the administration and enforcement of provincial legislation regulating mortgage brokers, payday lenders, real estate, securities, insurance, pensions, credit unions, trust and loan companies, cooperatives, and a wide range of other consumer legislation. It is an independent Crown corporation funded by the regulatory fees and assessments paid by the regulated sectors. Online educational tools and resources are available at
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