Besides some regional residents heading to Lake Erie to beat the heat amid Wednesday’s heat warning, Port Stanley, Ont., will also see some Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) training take place along the waters.
Starting Wednesday morning, Canadian Army Reserve personnel from 31 Combat Engineer Regiment (The Elgins) will conduct convoy and assault boat training in the Port Stanley area.
According to a public service announcement issued by the Canadian Armed Forces, activities will include convoy drills on planned routes and the deployment of inflatable boats on Lake Erie.
The training is set to run between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. until Friday.
Participating soldiers will not carry weapons or ammunition.
“All measures are being taken to ensure minimum inconvenience to those in the area and no areas will be closed to the public due to this training,” the announcement read.
“Members of the public are asked to take extra caution when approaching military vehicles and are thanked in advance for their understanding and co-operation.”
Read the full article here
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