Cougar euthanized after child attacked over August long weekend | RiseNB

Cougar euthanized after child attacked over August long weekend

A cougar has been euthanized after it attacked a child Sunday morning near Rocky Mountain House.

The attack happened along the Baptiste River Sunday morning, and by the afternoon, fish and wildlife officers captured and euthanized the cougar, according to a statement made by fish and wildlife enforcement services inspector Rob Kohut Tuesday.

A forensic team collected animal DNA from the attack area and confirmed the captured female cougar was responsible for the attack, said Kohut.

An area closure that spanned along the river and into the North Saskatchewan River was removed Tuesday morning.

The seven-year-old boy who was attacked spent three-and-a-half hours in surgery and received “over 200 staples and surgical clamps, and many more stitches over his face, neck, and head,” wrote his mother, Chay Feuser on Facebook.
“It’s a miracle. No main arteries were hit, no lungs punctured, his skull is intact. He suffers from a fractured jaw, and severe cosmetic injuries.”

Her son was discharged from hospital on Tuesday and the family made it home safely.
While cougar encounters are rare, they do happen. Kohut advised people travel in groups and carry some form of protection, such as bear spray. Don’t run or turn your back – instead, walk slowly and stay facing the animal.

“Make yourself look big and speak loudly. If the cougar makes contact, fight back and don’t give up. Use all means at your disposal,” said Kohut in the statement.

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