Air quality approval renewed for Arbec Forest Products Inc. | RiseNB

Air quality approval renewed for Arbec Forest Products Inc.

FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government will issue a new Class 1 air quality approval for the Arbec Forest Products mill in Miramichi.

The mill produces oriented strand board for use in the construction industry. Hardwood and softwood logs are debarked, flaked and dried. The dried flakes are combined with wax and resin, then layered and pressed into boards.

The company’s current approval expires on Aug. 31, with the new five-year approval taking effect on Sept. 1. The approval follows a public consultation process that included a public review, which ran from Feb. 24 to June 29.

The information, along with approval conditions, can be viewed on the Department of Environment and Local Government website or at any regional office of the department.

Class 1 major industries are required to comply with the Air Quality Regulation under the Clean Air Act, and to operate under the terms and conditions established in the approval to operate.


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