Funding for infrastructure projects in province’s northwest | RiseNB

Funding for infrastructure projects in province’s northwest

CAMPBELLTON (GNB) – Ten projects in northwestern New Brunswick valued at more than $1.6 million were announced today by the provincial and federal governments.

“The benefits of the Canada Community-Building Fund can be seen all over the province,” said Miramichi Bay-Neguac MLA Réjean Savoie. “Infrastructure projects such as the ones we are announcing today not only help the economy through job creation and increasing tourism, but they ensure many generations of New Brunswickers and visitors to our province can enjoy these areas.”

Savoie attended for Local Government and Local Governance Reform Minister Daniel Allain.

“Regardless of the weather or the season, residents of northwestern New Brunswick love to be outdoors,” said Madawaska-Restigouche MP René Arseneault. “Our region has some of the best fishing, mountain biking, hiking and skiing New Brunswick has to offer – and that is what we are investing in today. These upgrades will have immediate and lasting impacts on the quality of life in our corner of New Brunswick.”

Arseneault participated for federal Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities Minister Dominic LeBlanc.

Approved projects range in size and cost. Sugarloaf Provincial Park will receive more than $196,000 to upgrade snow-making equipment and to replace the rope tow with a conveyor belt system. The Northwest Regional Service Commission will get more than $194,000 to install a water drainage system to generate renewable energy. The Campbellton Curling Club will receive $93,000 for ice plant equipment upgrades. Nearly $334,000 will be spent on upgrading the Aroostook River Trail Bridge.

A list of all funded projects is available online.

The program, formerly known as the Gas Tax Fund, is a permanent source of federal funding for infrastructure investments. While 80 per cent of the funding is allocated to local governments, 20 per cent is available for projects benefiting the residents of local service districts.

The Department of Environment and Local Government conducted stakeholder engagement sessions to help determine infrastructure priorities for local service districts. While applications for projects were accepted under all 19 categories, preference was given to the following types of applications:

  • improvements to existing infrastructure;
  • low-cost recreation, sport, culture and tourism projects with regional benefits;
  • projects that meet provincial priorities, such as energizing the private sector, creating vibrant and sustainable communities, and the environment;
  • projects receiving additional financial support such as from donations, fundraising efforts, local tax contributions, or other funding programs; and
  • projects benefiting multiple stakeholders.

Regional service commissions, water and wastewater commissions, community groups and other organizations offering services that benefit unincorporated areas were invited to apply for funding. More information on the Canada Community-Building Fund is available online.

There is about $55 million available for New Brunswick’s unincorporated areas. Projects must be completed by March 31, 2024.


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