Live stream the National Black Canadians Summit this weekend | RiseNB

Live stream the National Black Canadians Summit this weekend

The National Black Canadians Summit is happening this weekend in Halifax, where over 1,000 people will come together for a truly national dialogue about the Black experience, and how to deconstruct racial discrimination in Canada.

Black girl at computer laptop
Join the conversation though the Summit’s live stream. (NBCS)

Not able to join in person? You can purchase tickets to live stream the Summit from wherever you are. 

The three-day live stream program will showcase the opening ceremony, youth-focused workshops, keynote addresses, roundtable discussions and the Halifax Declaration.​

There are interactive modules for online delegates to engage with the Summit. You can send photos, and post comments on the blog wall, engage in session chats, and contribute to the Halifax Declaration. 

Your voice will be heard, either in person or online! Join the conversations on socials by following the hashtag #NBCS2022. 


National Black Canadians Summit, July 29-31 in Halifax

Five fists of multiple-coloured skin in the Being Black in Canada logo
Being Black in Canada highlights stories about Black Canadians. (CBC)

Read the full article here