Residents of Campbellton to benefit from improved water and wastewater infrastructure | RiseNB

Residents of Campbellton to benefit from improved water and wastewater infrastructure

CAMPBELLTON (GNB) – Provincial, federal and municipal government officials have announced funding of more than $1.8 million for upgrades to water and wastewater infrastructure along Adam Street and Dufferin Street in Campbellton.

“Maintaining this important infrastructure benefits residents and helps build a vibrant and sustainable community,” said Environment and Climate Change Minster Gary Crossman, who is also minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation. “The Regional Development Corporation is pleased to work with municipalities across the province to help fund their infrastructure priorities.” 

Funding will be used to replace over 300 metres of aging water mains and 120 metres of sanitary sewer pipes, and to construct 370 metres of new storm sewer. Affected roadways, curbs and sidewalks will also be rebuilt once the work is completed.

“Investments in water and wastewater infrastructure projects are crucial to keeping our communities and our environment healthy,” said Madawaska-Restigouche MP René Arseneault. “Our joint investment with New Brunswick and Campbellton will ensure residents have access to more reliable and efficient wastewater infrastructure and improved access to clean water for years to come.”

Arseneault attended for federal Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities Minister Dominic LeBlanc.

The provincial government is contributing $613,728 for this project while the federal government is investing $736,547 and the City of Campbellton is providing $491,093.

“I am pleased to be a part of this great announcement this morning,” said Campbellton Mayor Ian Comeau. “This project certainly provides a great commitment from these governments in providing our community with the guarantee of safe drinking water and the proper treatment of wastewater. This funding is another key example of what we can accomplish for our communities when all levels of government work together.”


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