Assault Case Involving Saint John Officer Delayed | RiseNB

Assault Case Involving Saint John Officer Delayed

Another delay in the court case involving a Saint John police officer.

Const. Nicholas Roy was charged with assault with a weapon, the incident last October involved a metal detector wand.

Roy has been reassigned to administrative duties with no public contact since the charge was laid in June.

At the time, police said the charge was laid following a public complaint and subsequent external investigation by the Kennebecasis Regional Police Force.

Alexander Carleton, the agent representing Roy’s lawyer, Nathan Gorham, requested more time to review disclosure in the case.

Carleton says there is surveillance video which needs to be reviewed.

The matter has been set over until September 6th at 9:30 a.m. where it’s expected Roy will enter a plea.

Roy is the third Saint John police officer to be charged since late last year.

Veteran broadcast journalist serving Port City airwaves (and beyond) for 18 years on seven different radio stations. 15 of them on King Street. A cat mom obsessed with British tv and tea.

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