NB Seniors Needed To Complete Survey On Brain Health | RiseNB

NB Seniors Needed To Complete Survey On Brain Health

A New Brunswick organization is engaging older New Brunswickers for brain health.

New Brunswick Preventing Alzheimer’s by Lessening Modifiable Risks (NB-PALM) is a group that focuses on reducing the risks of Alzheimer’s.

Study Coordinator Vanshika Khaitan says they’ve launched a survey for those 60 years and older, “It’s called “Engaging older adults in New Brunswick Health Research”. Essentially the goal of our project is to collect information to support future Brain Health Program awareness. We’re surveying older adults in New Brunswick and collecting opinions about what they believe the barriers and the enablers are to staying healthy as they age, and what they think are the best ways to participate or to promote programs on brain health and wellness in New Brunswick.”

The survey takes around ten to fifteen minutes to complete with some multi-choice and other questions.

“If someone is not comfortable taking it online, or maybe they don’t have a computer at home, or maybe they’re visually impaired, they can also call us and we can complete it over the phone. We can even mail them a copy if they’re more comfortable taking the survey on a piece of paper.,” Khaitan says.

The results will be compiled throughout the winter, and Khaitan says their hope is to come up with something to present to the government and share with the public, in an effort to produce better brain health programs for New Brunswickers.

If you are interested in taking part, visit www.nbpalm.ca and complete the survey online. Or call 506-452-6228.

Read the full article here